Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Sweet Evil by Wendy Higgins

So, after completing the Harry Potter series I've had a lot of trouble finding a book 
I can fully get into. I read the last two books in one of my all time 
favorite series and was so disappointed I didn't even want
to write a review because I feared my emotions were
skewed due to my undying love for Harry Potter and all it's beloved

I read two complete books without getting fully enveloped in them, 
and started two others that I reluctantly put down. Finally
I stumbled upon Wendy Higgins' series Sweet Evil. When I began
reading I was rolling my eyes thinking "Oh joy, another
sappy love story with no strong plot what so ever."
However, I pushed forward telling myself that I had to allow myself 
to get through more than just 1 or 2 chapters. Needless to say, I am
over joyed that I pushed on with this book.

So many crazy emotions invaded me while reading this book
and it was a very blissful change. The story line is very unique
and has some very clever plot lines and character choices. It is still
not turning out as I keep expecting it to, which I absolutely
love in a book. This isn't your typical love story where
in the end the two confess their love and end up
together only to live out the remainder of the series together
with sappy undying love. Oh no, Book 2 and they are 
still not together and Kaidan is still an ass. Might I just
pause here to say that I LOVE the name Kaidan!!!

This book deals with angels in demons, but not
in a way that every other angel book does. It all just felt very genuine to me 
and Wendy is an exquisite writer. I am over joyed that
all the books in this series are out because I am 
extremely inpatient when it comes to books that I love.. Over all, Anna (Our main
character) is such a sweet and innocent girl. But, she definitely
showed us that although she is legit a saint, she's still
got some bad-assery in her

I highly recommend this book to my peeps of all ages. There's
suspense, mystery, drama, romance and the supernatural.
I give this a very strong 5 stars!

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